

I’m using the Digit Recognizer (MNIST) dataset

Download the training dataset - 73MB

Preparing the data

First we load the data from CSV files. I wrote a function to read and transform the data given a file name. Notice the cache=TRUE flag in the report. This means that as the report is changed, I don’t have to wait for the data to get reloaded.

trainFile <- "D:/Mnist/train.csv"
testFile <- ""

loadData <- function(fileName) {
  data <- read.csv(fileName, header = TRUE, sep = ",")
  data$label <- factor(data$label) #store lables as factor

trainData <- loadData(trainFile)

Next, I look at the names of the variables (the column names of the dataframe):

##  [1] "label"  "pixel0" "pixel1" "pixel2" "pixel3" "pixel4" "pixel5"
##  [8] "pixel6" "pixel7" "pixel8"
n <- length(colnames(trainData)) #length of column names list
imageSize <- sqrt(n - 1) #remove 1 because of the labels
## [1] 28
numCols <- dim(trainData)[1] #number of columns
## [1] 42000
#indexes of features excluding label column
trainFeatureIndexes <- which(!(names(trainData) %in% c("label")))

Looks good! We have 42000 images of 28 times 28 pixels. The label is an extra column which I transformed to factor.

Here is a histogram of the labels in the training data.

barplot(table(trainData$label), main="Labels in training data",xlab="label",ylab="frequency")

Next I want to plot feature vectors for each type of digit.

par(mfrow = c(2, 5))
for(imageLabel in levels(trainData$label)){
  imageIndex <- which(trainData$label == imageLabel)[1] #index of image of asked label
  image_features <- as.numeric(trainData[imageIndex, trainFeatureIndexes])

The features actually represent images and I can transform them to images.

plotImageVector <- function(image_features){
  fix <- function(m){
  as_image <- fix(matrix(image_features, nrow=imageSize, ncol=imageSize, byrow=TRUE))
  image(255 - as_image, axes = FALSE, col = grey(seq(0, 1, length = 256)),asp=1)    

plotImage <- function(imageIndex){
  imageFeatures <- as.numeric(trainData[imageIndex, trainFeatureIndexes])

par(mfrow = c(2, 5))
for(imageLabel in levels(trainData$label)){
  imageIndex <- which(trainData$label == imageLabel)[1] #index of image of asked label

Next, I want to browse the data per class (per digit). I use kmeans to extract a number of prototypes for each digit. (Although one could do better than kmeans this is sufficient for this dataset.)

showPrototypes <- function(imageLabel, numProt){
  idx <- which(trainData$label == imageLabel) #select indexes
  #0.0 forces conversion from integer to numeric
  subData <- 0.0 + data.matrix(trainData[idx, trainFeatureIndexes])
  res <- kmeans(subData, centers = numProt)
  centers <- res$centers
  numReturnedCenters <- dim(centers)[1]
  for(i in seq(1, numReturnedCenters)){
    centerI = centers[i, ]
  #for(i in seq(numReturnedCenters + 1, numProt)){
    #plot(c()) #empty plot if necessary

#10 rows and 5 columns
par(mfrow = c(length(levels(trainData$label)), 5))
for(imageLabel in levels(trainData$label)){
  showPrototypes(imageLabel, 5)
## Warning: did not converge in 10 iterations

What happens, if I cluster the full dataset into 20 prototypes. I see at least one prototype per digit. That’s good!

numProt = 20
fullData <- 0.0 + data.matrix(trainData[, trainFeatureIndexes])
res <- kmeans(fullData, centers = numProt)
## Warning: did not converge in 10 iterations
centers <- res$centers
numReturnedCenters <- dim(centers)[1]
#10 rows and 2 columns
par(mfrow = c(10, 2))
for(i in seq(1, numReturnedCenters)){
  centerI = centers[i, ]